Posts tagged Jon Nip
Jon Nip

Jon Nip is the Pastor of Connection & Care at Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church in the English-speaking congregation. Having previously served in youth & family ministry and in multiethnic churches, God renewed a passion for the immigrant Chinese church to work among multiple generations, languages, and cultures. and to be a part of building bridges toward discipleship in community and missional engagement.

Jon was born in Ottawa and has spent half of his life in Toronto. He enjoys playing music, running, watching movies, and enjoying one of his many sci-fi and geeky related hobbies! Along with Shu, Bernard, and Xenia, he also co-hosts the Canadian Asian Missional Podcast (C.A.M.P.). He and his wife love life together with their two wonderful kids!

Jon graduated from Tyndale Seminary (Masters of Divinity, Youth & Family) and in the summer 2022, he is enrolled to start his Doctorate of Ministry in Contextual Theology at Northern Seminary.

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