Historically, wayfinding refers to the techniques used by travellers over land and sea to find relatively unmarked and often mislabeled routes.
Given the ever changing shifts we’ve been experiencing this year as leaders here in Canada, it seems that so many of us, whether church planters, established church pastors, neighbourhood catalysts or lay people, we are all rethinking and reviewing everything. As we step into this new world of ministry, we need fellow travellers to join us as we awaken to the grief, delight and rigour of that which is ours to do next.
We believe that discerning and self-aware leaders propel new worshiping communities forward, re-imagine existing congregations, and work the soil for ideas we’ve never imagined before and we wanted to create space for the Spirit to speak and for the willing leader to hear. In collaboration with Jeff and Jan Steckley, this discernment process was created. Join us in finding our way together.
Upcoming Sessions
Our Discernment Pathway process is holistic, communal and practice oriented. It's a safe and resource-rich environment to ask questions, learn and work out in community how God might be directing you.
Through curated experiences and tools, we equip leaders with the knowledge and practices to make space, slow down, and hear what God is saying. Each of our Wayfinding cohorts will have pastors, church planters, missional leaders and lay people from denominations across Canada which will offer a diverse array of perspectives, experience and wisdom.
“Our true challenge is to return to the center, to the heart, and to find there the gentle voice that speaks to us and affirms us in a way no human voice ever could.
The basis of all ministry is the experience of God’s unlimited and unlimiting acceptance of us as beloved children, an acceptance so full, so total, and all-embracing, that it sets us free from our compulsion to be seen, praised, and admired and frees us for Christ, who leads on the road of service.”
What benefits will a potential Wayfinder receive?
A deep confidence in their God given calling, regardless of the outcomes of their next steps
A set of practices, rhythms and routines that will help with ongoing discernment
A cohort of likeminded leaders and the opportunity to reflect and explore the new world that is emerging for them and their faith community
The ability and resources to cultivate a community of discernment with those in their core team, board or existing communities as they engage the mission in their neighbourhood and city
A coaching plan, created by each participant, that can be used by a coach or peer leader to support the work ahead
Fresh perspective, a community of practice and a sense of renewal for the wayfinding path ahead
Here is what some of our participants are saying:
"It was such a safe place to work through the process of discernment and finding our way. We also appreciated the facilitators and their humility throughout the process as they learned alongside of us."
"I would highly recommend this process to others considering to plant, or those already in one. Using spiritual practices and rhythms of life to hear/listen to what the spirit of God is calling on you to move towards, both as individuals and as a couple has been so helpful to us.”
"Beyond our personal discernment, being equipped with tools/practices to take back to our team is so important. We have already started using them in discernment with our whole community."
"The length of the process helped to see actual movement and use of the tools emerge. I am very pleased with the fact that we were able to receive and walk out discernment through several decision points in our life."
"I felt cared for and loved throughout this process. Walking away from these times of learning and listening together, knowing that I am loved, and called to this work, regardless of the outcomes, is a gift that will stay with me as I continue to love, lead and serve in the contexts I find myself in."
For more information on the Discernment Pathway
Send us an email via the form.