We’re in this together.
Often, church planters are portrayed as mavericks and pioneers; brave adventurers striding off into the frontier all alone.
The truth is, solo church planting is not God’s plan.
In the very beginning of the church’s sending enterprise, Jesus sent His disciples out two by two. Planters and plants that are left out on their own often suffer to bear the fruit they desire
A church planting coach comes alongside a church planter or planting couple to support them on their planting journey. A coach brings essential stability in the ups and downs of the planting journey; perspective at crucial point on the timeline; a sense of the Presence of God when planters feel most alone. Church plant coaches are also a vital link between the planter and the denominational systems so that those systems can support the planting effort, and not hinder.
Together with Transformational Coaching, New Leaf sees coaching as a three-way partnership with the coach, planter and Holy Spirit. The coach holds a safe space for the planter to encounter God in a life-giving, direction-granting way. New Leaf Coaching sessions generally follow a simple outline:
Planter – paying attention to the holistic condition of the planter: spiritually, emotionally, relationally, physically.
Plant – paying attention to the progress and health of the church plant according to the overall plan & goals. The coach can provide outside resources or guidance through denominational requirements.
Pray – paying attention to what the Spirit has been saying throughout the session, and what the Spirit wants to speak into the planting journey.
All of our coaches qualify with New Leaf in the following ways:
They are certified as a trained coach (preferably through Transformational Coaching).
They have participated in the Discernment and Design Shop processes and are familiar with their content.
Ideally, they will have been involved with, or have led a church plant.
Denominational coaches will be endorsed by the planting denomination. Coaches from outside of the planter’s denomination commit to respecting and upholding the sending denomination’s values.
Although church plant coaches are relevant and helpful at all stages of the planting journey, New Leaf envisions the coaching role having significant contributions to make at the following times:
Leading into and during the Discernment process – a coach is the first member of a planter’s discerning community and listens to the Spirit alongside the planter.
Prior to the Design Shop – a coach can prepare a planter with an enhanced learning experience by doing community research and developing guiding ideas for the planter to bring to the workshop.
Following the Design Shop – a coach will carry the action plan for the planter, checking in with them and reminding them of the content they learned.
Transitioning a plant into the denominational system – while not part of the New Leaf curriculum, shifting a plant’s identity from a startup to an established church family is a crucial part of long-term sustainability. A coach helps a planter walk through the organizational process, but also helps the planter to re-enter the discernment process to see what the Spirit is saying to them as the church changes and matures.
What are the benefits:
They’re no longer alone! A planter will have someone to give them space to be themselves and will be a skilled compassionate listener.
Long term objectivity helps keep a planter on track when the daily and weekly crisis-laden journey of a plant might take them off track.
A coach can call to mind resources at just the right time.
Denominational leaders
A coach multiplies the effectiveness and time of a denominational leader. Coaches become part of a leadership team that is able to stay in touch with the progress and struggles of planters on a far more intimate and regular basis.
A coach helps ensure that the denominational values are adhered to, and allows the system to adapt to the needs of cutting edge front-line experience.
“In my experience, a monthly meeting with my coach was an essential lifeline. My coach helped me remember why I was doing this at time when I most wanted to quit.”