First Tuesday of Advent 2019

“I don’t know, but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it—seems that only children weep,” I hear these words spoken from the backstage, where I stand, waiting in the wings for my next cue. I watch Marie, who is playing Scout Finch lean her head against Atticus, and I see the shine of tears in the eyes of the audience in the first row. Tonight, as with each previous performance, we all weep. The story doesn’t end as we expect; it’s all gone terribly wrong.

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Nothing is Wasted

Most of my work is done sitting in front of a computer, balanced out by chasing my two young boys around. But one day in September I got outside with my boys and I set out to do some harvesting in our yard.

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Amy BrattonAmy Bratton
A Letter to My People

I write this with tears because I’m so grieved. I’m heartbroken. I can’t fully explain it but it feels like there are a million pounds of pressure on my chest and I’m having a hard time breathing. The weight of your stubbornness is going to kill me but it’s going to destroy you.

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Blog, Lent, Lent 2019Guest Post
The Grief of Marriage: What loss & transition can teach the Canadian Church

“Congratulations! You must be so excited!” This is the most common reaction you get from people who find out you are newly engaged and preparing to get married. This response from the kindest of people are well-intentioned, but they have fallen flat for me lately. It’s not that I’m not excited or not full of joy, it’s just that there is so much grieving taking place, too.

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Blog, Lent, Lent 2019Guest Post