Posts in Women
My Radical Little Church

I’ve been ruminating on this post for a while now, and I’m still not sure I’m quite ready to express all that my heart is feeling.  But soon other things will be upon us, as happens in normal church life, and I realize that before long the radical thing that just happened in my little church will be so normal

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Don't Let the Fear Control You

Next week, New Leaf is putting on a pre-conference day about the religious landscape in Canada at a big Church Planting event in Montreal. It crossed my mind that one reality of my upcoming travel is that I probably won’t have to wait in line for the restroom like I usually do at big events. The mens room will likely be more crowded than the ladies room.

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Welcoming the More Complex Woman, Part 2

I finally broke down and attended my first women's retreat when I was about 27. I had been married for 2 years and figured, this is what older, married women do right? (Back then I used to think 27 was old). I was a woman, I really loved camping & being at the lake

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Blog, WomenGuest Post