Ep 95 - Movies for Lent: The Straight Story - Jason Tripp & Adam Kline


The next Movies for Lent episode has arrived!

Jason and Adam, pastors and movie-lovers, are hosting Movies for Lent: Conversations at the Intersection of Faith & Film.

You can participate in the live watch experience and discussion on Wednesdays over zoom (join the Movies for Lent facebook group for more info), or participate on your own by using these podcast episodes as a jumping-off point for reflection or discussion in your own communities.

This week’s selection is The Straight Story (1999).

Theme: Reconciliation
Lectionary Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Discussion Questions:

  1. After viewing ‘The Straight Story’ what thoughts and impressions lingered as the credits rolled and beyond? Why?

  2. From a cinematic perspective, what did you enjoy about the film? What worked for you? What didn’t?

  3. In the film Alvin sets out on a lengthy journey with the intent of restoring a broken relationship. What are the pitfalls Alvin faced on his journey and how might they be illustrative of the hurdles we all face on the road to reconciliation?

  4. In our lectionary passage Jesus tells a parable of a loving father with two sons, each of whom is lost. How do both the older and younger sons break relationship with their father and how does the father embody the reconciling heart of God?