Dr. Betty Pries

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Betty is CEO at Credence & Co. where she leads a dynamic team of consultants alongside supporting a diverse range of client groups. Betty is also the author of the book, The Space Between Us: Conversations about Conflict Transformation

 Betty brings over 27 years of experience to her work as a coach, trainer, facilitator, mediator, and consultant. Betty is highly regarded as a Conflict, Change, and Leadership Specialist. She works especially with complex challenges, supporting leaders and their organizations to be at their best. Betty’s capacity to care deeply, listen well, and provide wise and thoughtful support allows her to help her clients engage in tough, meaningful, and important conversations, set directions, and achieve positive organizational change.

Betty specializes in engaging and transforming dynamics related to organizational health: leadership and executive coaching, conflict management, change management, strategic planning, facilitation of tough conversations. Betty brings a wealth of experience to her work, having worked with a wide range of organizations, both nationally and internationally, with businesses, public institutions, not-for-profit organizations and a diverse range of congregations.

Betty has extensive education, training, and experience in coaching, mediation, negotiation, consensus building, consultation, facilitation, and organizational health. As Co-Founder and CEO at Credence, Betty’s great joy has been the opportunity to mentor and support the growth of the Credence team. Betty has a PhD from the Free University Amsterdam on the topic of conflict transformation. She is a Chartered Mediator with the ADR Institute of Canada and a member of the ADR Institute of Ontario. Betty is a regular instructor at the University of Waterloo.