About Blessed are the Undone

Canadian Christians frustrated with the Church have come ‘Undone’ and are leaving politely, almost apologetically, in what this book dubs a Quiet Deconstruction. Blessed are the Undone asks: what aspects of faith are being questioned, and why?

Weaving in church history, cultural analysis and their personal stories, Bick and Schuurman use canoe camping to illustrate the twists and turns of the spiritual journey. Whether you feel like you’re up the creek without a paddle when it comes to faith, or if people you love have lost their bearings, this book is for you.



This book neither condemns nor condones the trend of those deconstructing their faith. It seeks to describe and document the Canadian “deconstructing faith” scene while also providing a theological and sociological frame through which to understand it. Provocative, critical, fair, and focused on Canadian concerns, this book opens a window of well-researched appraisal.


Print and Kindle versions available via Amazon.ca

Also available at Redeemer University Bookstore (Hamilton) and CommonWord Bookstore (Winnipeg)

Available for pick up in Guelph, Newcastle and Saskatoon. Contact publishing@newleafnetwork.ca for local pick-up options.

For order over 10 copies, contact publishing@newleafnetwork.ca for details.

Notice of Update:
In December 2024 the authors were made aware of an error in a source requiring updates for Blessed are the Undone. Corrections have been made, including other typos and clarifications, and the updated edition is available through Amazon and elsewhere as of December 19, 2024. If you would like details about all the updates, please contact publishing@newleafnetwork.ca.


About the authors

Angela Reitsma Bick

Angela Reitsma Bick is Editor-in-Chief of Christian Courier and an award-winning journalist recognized for her work highlighting social justice issues. With an Honours English BA from Redeemer University and an MA in Literature from Queen’s University, she began writing for CC as a columnist in 2008 and became Editor-in-Chief in 2009. Under her leadership, the independent Canadian publication has deftly navigated the unceasingly-tumultuous news industry. In 2016, she won the A.C. Forrest Memorial Award for “excellence in religious journalism,” followed by the Distinguished Alumni Award from Redeemer University in 2020. She lives in Newcastle, Ontario, with her family, where she maintains a lively little library. 

Peter Schuurman

PhD (Religious Studies, U Waterloo),M. Div. (McMaster Divinity College), MA (Sociology, Queens U) is Executive Director at Global Scholars Canada, a Christian professors’ guild bent on cross-cultural and transnational work in public university settings. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Redeemer University (Religion and Social Sciences) and author of The Subversive Evangelical: The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch (McGill-Queens 2019). He has a history as a campus minister at Brock University, a denominational ministry leader in the Christian Reformed Church, and bicycle assembler for Canadian Tire. He lives in Guelph, Ontario with his family.

Praise for Blessed are the Undone

“Since ancient Hebrew kings wrote poems questioning God, faithfulness has included voicing doubt, wondering aloud about a God who seems absent and aloof. In this lovely, creative book, Bick and Schuurman bring a sociologist’s eye and a journalist’s ear to understand contemporary experiences of faith undergoing deconstruction. Their assessment is charitable without being uncritical. Their deep sympathy does not prevent them from voicing their own questions about deconstruction. I particularly appreciated how deeply Canadian this book is, taking place and context seriously. The result is a book that both informs and inspires.”

- James K.A. Smith, professor of philosophy, Calvin University, author of Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism? and How (Not) to Be Secular  


As a Canadian, I thoroughly appreciate Bick & Schuurman’s particularly Canadian perspective on the deconstruction of belief and faith.
— David Hayward

“As a Canadian and someone who experiences deconstruction, I thoroughly appreciate Bick & Schuurman’s particularly Canadian perspective on the deconstruction of belief and faith. As more stories like this become available, deconstruction is more normalized and healthy growth to spiritual independence is more possible.” 

David Hayward, aka “NakedPastor,” and author of Flip It Like This!



“As an 'Undone', I felt seen, heard, and fairly represented after reading this book. Dr. Peter Schuurman and Angela Reitsma Bick tell the story of the Undone with profound empathy and balance. They not only clearly articulate the fraught experience of faith deconstruction but also map a path towards healing and a better future for both the Church and those on their deconstruction journey. Whether you are deconstructed, deconverted, or have never doubted your faith, this book is a must-read if you believe there is hope for the Church to become an agent of healing in Canada.”

Josiah Mahon, podcast host of Slow Train to Heck



“This is an important book. It handles one of the most relevant and immanent challenges for the Canadian church. This is not only good scholarship and investigative journalism that pulls no punches, it does so with heart, grace, and kindness.” 

Jared Siebert, author of Gutsy: (Mis)Adventures in Canadian Church Planting and founder of the New Leaf Network.



“We need more stories about faith deconstruction from a Canadian perspective, and this book gives us the opportunity to listen to those unique voices and learn from their experiences.”

Martha Elias Downey, author of Go Wide: reimagining the landscape of theology. 


A thoughtful, gracious and nuanced analysis of stories rarely heard in churches.
— Joel Thiessen

“Blessed are the Undone brings the reader close to perspectives and experiences rarely heard in churches, from those deconstructing their Christian faith. For the reader who is open to listening and learning, Schuurman and Reitsma Bick offer a systematic, thoughtful, gracious, and nuanced presentation and analysis of these stories – they are ‘for’ meaningful Christian community, restoration, and witness in the world. Importantly, they gift the reader with hope-filled possibilities for individuals and Christian communities moving forward.”

– Joel Thiessen, author of None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the U.S. and Canada, Professor of Sociology at Ambrose University, and Director of the Flourishing Congregations Institute.



“This is such an important book. Thought-provoking, heart-breaking, commendable. The idea behind the book is to chart a way forward so that deconstructing one's faith doesn't mean a wholesale abandonment of Jesus; instead, it blazes a new trail forward.”

Alan Lensink, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada Graduate Student Director



“The deconstruction journey can feel lonely and unknown; my own deconstruction felt like breaking new and unfamiliar ground in my faith. I am so grateful for the canoeing metaphor for faith deconstruction Bick and Schuurman offer, which is both very Canadian and resonates with the stories in this book and beyond. The authors’ perspective takes a step back and examines the wider landscape, offering informed expertise based on the accounts of so many Canadians. The journey of deconstruction and reconstruction as a portage to the next part of a canoeing adventure aptly maps this moment in the Canadian church.”

Amy Bratton, Director of Operations & Publishing, New Leaf Network



“Bick and Schuurman have written a book that is both courageous and compassionate. It takes courage to look honestly within one's own community and acknowledge the problems therein. And it takes compassion to listen carefully and attentively to those who have called out those problems and who have felt their sting as they try to navigate a new path forward.”

Dr. Brian Carwana, Executive Director, Encounter World Religions



“Blessed are the Undone addresses something new: the state of deconstruction in Canada in particular. The authors write with grace and empathy, which pairs well with the storytelling approach they take. Secularization can be treated as a bit of a bogeyman, but this work looks at the reality of churches today with a humanizing and pastoral lens. It will serve as both a breath of fresh air to ministry leaders and an interesting take for ordinary people in the pews.”

Nina Schuurman-Drenth, Spiritual Director, Artist, and Pastor at Eucharist Church


An engaging and lively read [that] does not compromise scholarly depth. Highly recommended.
— Sam Reimer

“If you are a Canadian who is deconstructing or has deconstructed their Christian faith – or you know someone in that category – you should read this book! Bick and Schuurman tell the stories of many deconstruct-ers in a balanced and sympathetic way, neither celebrating deconstruction or dismissing it. It's an engaging and lively read, but does not compromise scholarly depth. Highly recommended.

Sam Reimer, Professor of Sociology at Crandall University and the author of Caught the Current: British and Canadian Evangelicals in an Age of Self-Spirituality.



“I am so glad I decided to read this book ahead of the large pile of unread books I already own. Frankly, it is the most timely, important, well-researched, and well-written book I have come across in a long time. If you want to understand one of the most scary – but also (I believe) the most hopeful – movements happening across churches these days, Peter and Angela’s book is required reading. Buy it and put it on the top of your reading pile as soon as you can.

John P. Bowen, Emeritus Professor of Evangelism, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, and the author of The Unfolding Gospel: How the Good News Makes Sense of Discipleship, Church, Mission and Everything Else.



“A fantastic Canadian faith-centric work that helped me feel comfortable with my own questioning, while also giving me hope that something better waits on the other side of my doubts.”

Dr. David Flatla, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Guelph

Media & Reviews

Book Reviews

Review of Blessed are the Undone by John Van Sloten


Review by Andrea Calvert

Review of Blessed are the Undone by John Longhurst


Book Review by Paul Verhoef

Presentations & Podcast Interviews

Faith Trends Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify


TCRCC "Blessed Are the Undone" Webinar


Church on Thin Ice: Lessons from the Quiet Deconstruction of Faith in Canada

Blessed are the Undone on Tour

Join Angela Bick and Peter Schuurman and friends to learn more about Blessed are the Undone.

February 27, 2025:
Montreal, PQ - “Deconstructing a Young Earth, Deconstructing Faith: Two Stories, Two Directions” Free public event hosted by the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation. Peter speaking.

February 28, 2025:
Ottawa, ON - “Deconstructing a Young Earth, Deconstructing Faith: Two Stories, Two Directions” Free public event hosted by the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation. Peter speaking.

March 22, 2025:
Toronto, ON -
Institute for Christian Studies Winter Symposium, both Peter and Angela speaking


The New Leaf Press team is planning to host more local gatherings that will take a deep dive into the fascinating work of Blessed are the Undone. Interested in participating? Sign up to stay in the know! Announcements about dates and locations will be forthcoming.