Posts in Blog
The Grief of Marriage: What loss & transition can teach the Canadian Church

“Congratulations! You must be so excited!” This is the most common reaction you get from people who find out you are newly engaged and preparing to get married. This response from the kindest of people are well-intentioned, but they have fallen flat for me lately. It’s not that I’m not excited or not full of joy, it’s just that there is so much grieving taking place, too.

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Blog, Lent, Lent 2019Guest Post
Third Sunday of Advent

I live with a drive inside of me that’s been passed down through generations of good evangelical people whom I love and respect. The great commission has been a rallying cry that I’ve heard since I was a boy, through my formative years in church, through my years in Bible school, and during my first kick at the traditional church can.

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