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scraps and wine

The poetry duo, scraps and wine, is comprised of two individuals whose friendship grew out of their love for literature, the scriptures, and yearning to live in Jesus’ abundance.

Alan Thorimbert is a poet and writer currently living in Victoria, British Columbia. He has been published within a few smaller magazines in the past and is currently working on several large collections of poetry. Alan works with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship where he enjoys helping students see their lives and the world around them through the lenses of parables and stories.

Xenia Chan is pastor of Selah Community Church, a FMCiC church plant that came together at the start of the pandemic lockdown. She is also a doctoral student at Wycliffe College (Toronto School of Theology), working on Jeremiah’s Confessions from a Pacific Rim perspective, which takes up most of her writing energy. Xenia is also one of four co-hosts of the Canadian Asian Missional Podcast.