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Third Friday of Advent

Scripture Reading for Today:

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Dancing in the Darkness

by Matt Arguin

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As we reach the end of the Advent season, it’s not lost on me that the reflection I’ve been asked to write falls on December 22nd; the arrival of the winter solstice and the longest night of the year.

The reality of encroaching darkness has been with us for some time, and perhaps – like me – you’ve had to fight the urge to crawl into bed by 5:00 pm as your body tries to tell you it’s time for sleep, and the daylight seems to last only for an instant.

This time of year also tends to trigger seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) which can range anywhere from simply feeling “off” for a few weeks to major depressive episodes. It doesn’t seem like there is much on this day to celebrate, let alone be surprised by.

The first time I went through the lectionary readings, nothing stood out to me. Sure, there is a general sense of praise for God’s faithfulness in Psalm 89, but that’s kinda what I expected. Same thing with Hebrews, where the themes of adoption and covenant are plentiful throughout the entire letter.

David dancing in front of the Ark felt like it was pretty straightforward until I delved a little bit deeper into the story.

Back up just a few chapters, and we learn that David has been put through the emotional ringer. Forced to flee from his home, David is reluctantly thrown into battle to defend himself and save the people of Israel. At the end of it all, he loses both King Saul and Jonathan, both of whom he loved dearly. (2 Sam 1:17-27)

Add to this the fact that Uzzah is struck dead for touching the Ark (2 Sam 6:6-7) and it makes complete sense that David feels lost and afraid in the darkness that surrounds him (v. 9).

Yet it is precisely here that things change. It is precisely here that David decides to dance to Jerusalem with all his might; to the shock of many a courtier and even his own wife.

Dancing was not something a king was expected to do. After all, the monarchs of ancient Israel also served as high priest for the people. To dance was at best a breach of decorum, and at worst the influence of pagan worship rituals.

But David is willing to look foolish, not to influence the crowd, but simply to celebrate God’s presence (2 Sam 6:21).

I can’t help but think that this story in Scripture may hold something for us on the longest night of the year. A reminder that dancing and times of celebration like Christmastide don’t appear out of nowhere.

Christmas is a holy time that emerges from struggle and pain. It stands on the horizon of a world that is still scarred by war and violence. We light Advent wreathes in recognition that although there is darkness in the world, it will not overcome the Light of hope, peace, joy and love.

Lord Jesus, come soon! Come and be born in our hearts!

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