Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative

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Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative (DWCC), a new monastic community of neighbours who live in walking distance of one another in downtown Windsor.

Bob is husband to Margo, a father of four adult daughters, and a known character in his neighbourhood. He’s a man full of inspiring ideas, a love for his neighbours, and a joy like no other. From alley parties to soccer in the park, breakfast club to walking his neighbourhood, Bob is always found in the crowd, bringing laughter to his friends. He is a catalyst of ideas, a connector of people, and he’s the visionary leader of the DWCC.

Steve is husband to Emily, a father of four young kids, and he can often be found supporting others from behind the scenes. He’s a details guy with a keen eye, and he helps create and curate space and life-giving liturgy for the community. He’s a lover of food and good coffee, someone who is always learning new skills, and he’s our in-house designer and videographer. He’s a communicator of ideas, and he’s the operational leader of the DWCC.